Parish Committees and Appointed Members
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to any of the following committees:
Property Committee:
Care for building and grounds. From maintenence to room/space rentals
Richard Brown
Pat McCraveJohn Mitchell
Todd Anderson Barbara Anderson
Youth/Sunday School & Young Families: Christian Education and Youth involvement in the Church Services
Adrian Drake
Karen LucasJulia Distenfeld
Jerylyn O'Connell
Fred Coulton
Community Outreach: Organize our service to the community and facilitate fundraisers for our Parish!
Elaine Curry
Mary CastroSusan Rumph
Kathy LuceDoris Fernandez
Ana Alarcon
Carol Mitchell
Freddie Hughes
Nancy Hilbert
Irene Blydenburgh
Finance and Stewardship Committee:
Financial Records of the Church, Investment Recommendations, Organizing an effective Stewardship Program for the Parish.
Russell Rose
Janet HanksKevin Sullivan
HR Committee: Father Justin, Adrian Drake, George Hughes
Marketing Task Force: Karen Lucas and Ana Alarcon
Capital Campaign Committee:
Hispanic Task Force
Susan Rumph and Al Sparrow (Co-Chairs)
Priscilla Betancourt
Timothy Rumph
Donald Sherwood
Diane Sherwood
John Mitchell
Carol Mitchell
Janet Hanks
Kevin Sullivan
Mary Castor (Chair)
Kathy Luce
Elaine Curry
Doris Fernandez
Ana Alarcon