Adult Faith Forum
This will be a time for people to learn about their faith, those preparing for Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows.
Those who want to be Received in the Episcopal Church these are the follow ways: People Confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church, Chrismated in the Eastern Orthodox Church are Received into the Episcopal Church. Protestants are Confirmed for reception in the Episcopal Church.
Those attending classes please RSVP by emailing/calling the office at or 631-728-0776
Those who want to be Received in the Episcopal Church these are the follow ways: People Confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church, Chrismated in the Eastern Orthodox Church are Received into the Episcopal Church. Protestants are Confirmed for reception in the Episcopal Church.
Those attending classes please RSVP by emailing/calling the office at or 631-728-0776